Saturday, October 15, 2011

Justin Bieber Halloween Prank (Someday Shoot)

It looks like Justin is going to walk up behind her to create a romantic moment, but suddenly the “someday girl” gets spooked by a guy wearing a serial-killer mask like the one Jason wore in the Friday the 13th movies. Luckily the man behind the mask turns out to be Justin, and he and his pretty costar share a good laugh and a high five at the end.
See the video below!

Justin Bieber Kissing a girl with Cancer in CHILI (pic)

Justin Bieber meets 13 year old girl with cancer. She’s Anita, one of many Beliebers live in Chili! JB shows his love by kissing her forehead and tweets: “so THANK YOU @anitaweissbrot . glad we met. this is one of the best parts of what i do. meeting people like u” “We only live once…so follow your dreams and never say never!” – @anitaweissbrot #staystrong”

Not only met JB, Anita also had a chance to pose with Mama Bieber!
That’s so sweet of Justin!

See video of Anita before and during cancer!

Stay strong Anita!
What do you think about people with cancer?
Do you have a friend or family who lives with cancer?